Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday morning ladies group meets at Clevedon Family Church and runs in school term time. It commences at 10.00am with a social get together (for copious amounts of tea, coffee, cake, fruit and friendship) - all ages are welcome! This is followed by a study which starts at 10.30am. A creche for pre-school children is available for parents/carers who are attending.
Currently, there are two study groups running:
- Esther – a 10 week DVD study led by Beth Moore with homework
- Cafe group - John 1–12 Life to the Full–Fran, Rebecca & Helen will take us through Josh Moody’s 8 week study through the first half of John's Gospel
We are hoping to run the Christianity Explored course again soon, so if you are interested, or know any friends/neighbours who may be interested, please get in touch.
If you are free on Wednesday mornings or know anyone who may be interested, you are very welcome to join us just for a cuppa between 10.00 am and 10.30 am or to stay for the studies which start at 10.30 am.
Please come along, a warm welcome awaits and we would love to see you.